Wednesday, July 2, 2008

9 out of 10 Marxists Agree, Obama Beats the Other Brands...

It's almost as if the flood gates have opened since the end of the Clinton-Obama fight for the Democratic top spot for the party. Flood gates that seem to be bringing one negative thing after another on a daily basis for Obama.
There is an old Chinese curse that goes, "may you live in interesting times." I don't know, maybe it's just because I see things from having lived my life as a political independent for so many years, but I've gotta say, I'm absolutely not amazed by this news, and if anyone is, they're either lying to themselves or in a great state of denial, OR completely ignorant of anything other than what they have been spoon fed by the dinosaur media.

It's an interesting thing in today's world. Information is literally at one's fingertips. All you have to do is sit down at a computer and go online and you can find pretty much anything you want to find out about anything. It's also another way of people networking with each other to discuss things of common interest, common causes, common beliefs, so forth and so on.

And on Barack Obama's official website, like minded Marxists, communists, and socialists are doing just that.

One popular community group on the Illinois senator's official MyObama website calls itself "Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama."

"This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx's writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat," states the groups charter.

"We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!" exclaims the group's online creed.

And on Obama's site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggers rant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel. According to author profiles, the bloggers range from registered voters to underage high school students who state they are looking to foment revolt.

Ah yes, isn't that just what we want from a Presidential candidate? An inspiration for a Marxist revolution, as called for in another posting entitled "The Nature of the Proletariat." There are many such entries to be found along the same vein, all speaking of "The Revolution."

Just words?

There seems to be a drawing of this sort of commentary from other groups, as well, on Obama's site, with groups such as Atheists for Obama, Jedi Knights for Obama, Muslims for Obama, and even one mysterious sounding group called "The Secret" Believers for Obama.

I have a feeling that the "secret" that they're referring to has nothing to do with an antiperspirant that is strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.

And then there are the anti-Semitic postings, some of which are no longer found on the site as of this writing.

Yesterday WND reported a blog posting on Obama's official campaign site urged Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

The posting, which has been removed since publication of the story, is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages.

One recently removed posting claims Jews control the media. Another referred to Jews as "puppet masters" and "war criminals." Yet another posting, titled "The Israeli connection to 9/11," claimed Israeli intelligence was involved in the mega-attack and planted "false flags" to blame Arab countries.

Other MyObama posts have warned of "Judeofacists and their Neocon comrades" who "already destroyed America" and declare the "entire Congress should be overthrown by revolution for having sold America to the Israelis."

Is this the sort of "change" Obama means when he refers to it in his speeches? Is this the "hope" that he has for "unity" in the United States? Marxism?

To be fair, the Obama site does make the disclaimer that it can't regulate each and every posting that comes through on the site. But it's a question of character, and the inspiration that that character instills and brings forth from the voting public that has to be examined.

Marxism has been tried, and has failed, everywhere that it has been brought into play. The former Soviet Union is the best example of the failure of Marxist ideology, and yet there are a number of Obama supporters who would have that same sort of system installed in the United States.

They're even announcing that they want the revolution to come. And they're putting their support behind Barack Obama because they see him as one of them.

Just words?

Once and Always, an American Fighting Man


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